Five on Friday v44


1) Happy New Year! I hope your new year’s eve was fun and safe. I spent mine with my two favorites. Chris and I went out to a fancy dinner, then we went home to our new dog, Otis. We got a couple invites to some fun festivities going on around Sacramento that we could have attended post-dinner, but we didn’t want to leave Otis by himself for too long. So after dinner, we celebrated the rest of New Year’s Eve in our apartment, on the couch, with our pajamas on and a bottle of sparkling wine while we watched the ball drop in Times Square on TV. It was the perfect end to the year: just me, my husband, and my fur baby all cozy and warm in our little home.

2) Chris and I have had Otis for over a week now, and we are loving our little guy more and more each day. I do have to say, though, that having a dog is a lot of work! We are all still working on getting into a routine. Otis was used to a certain lifestyle at his previous owner’s house, but now he has to adjust to my and Chris’ schedule/rules, like using a collar, using a leash, getting fed at 7am instead of 5am, etc. I myself am still getting used to, you know, TAKING CARE OF AN ANIMAL. Like I’ve mentioned before, Otis is my first pet ever, so I have a lot to learn, especially about what to expect with a dog. Chris and I are also learning how to take care of something together. We are taking turns walking Otis, feeding him, playing with him, grooming him, and picking up his poop. We are figuring out what’s best for him in regards to diet and discipline. We are figuring out pet insurance and which vet to take him to. We are working together to make sure this dog lives a long and healthy life. Something tells me owning a dog is going to be good practice for when we have kids someday. 😉

3) I have had this whole week off from my office job and I have been LOVING IT. I’ve had so much free time to blog, read, workout, and cross things off my to-do list. Chris has also had the week off from work so we are getting in a lot of quality time with each other, as well as quality time with Otis. This week was exactly what I needed after a busy, stressful, disappointing month.

4) I have gone to yoga every day for the past week and I am quite proud of myself for doing so. I don’t think I’ve ever exercised for seven days straight! As a result of my dedication to my practice this week, I’m feeling pretty damn good, both mentally and physically. I’ve been feeling my body get stronger and mind get calmer more and more each day. I plan to keep practicing tomorrow and Sunday to reach 9 days of yoga in a row and set a new record for myself.

5) I’m actually kind of sad that today is Friday because that means it’s the weekend, which will most likely fly by and then before I know it, I’ll have to go into my office job on Monday. I’m going to miss all this free time! My plans for the weekend to soak up these last few days of rest and relaxation with more yoga and more quality time with my boys.

How was your New Year’s Eve? What are your plans for the weekend?

6 thoughts on “Five on Friday v44

  1. Sounds like you guys are already making great pet parents! 😀 We spent NYE away from Fresca, but she was having way too much fun at doggie daycare. 😉 If you guys have a Pet Food Express near you, they have a great deal on treats. It’s buy 3, get the 4th free. ALL THE TIME, and you can mix and match treats. We love Zuke’s – great for training and comes in all sizes.

  2. Having a dog IS a lot of work! But they are so worth it, aren’t they? I love having a dog. Makes me so happy. Even if I do grumble about taking Dutch on ANOTHER walk or he wakes me up at 7am on the weekend to go out. Sigh. 😉

    • LOL I feel ya on the walks and getting woken up early. But it really is worth it. I guess you gotta just think about the benefits: extra exercise and a productive start to the day! 🙂

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