
Tomorrow is my 27th birthday.

You know you’re getting older when you stop remembering/caring about your birthday. Up until a couple of years ago, I would start a countdown to my birthday on May 1st: “Twenty-five days until my birthday! Three weeks until my birthday! Five days until my birthday!” I would deem the month of May my “birthday month.” I annoyingly referred to myself as a “Birthday Princess.”

Yes, all of this lasted until I was about 25 years old.

Anyway, this year was different; I kept forgetting my birthday was even approaching, probably because 27 isn’t really anything to be excited about. It’s not like I am turning an exciting age like 18 (legally an adult), 21 (legally able to drink), or 25 (can rent a car/brain is fully developed). Twenty-seven just means I’m getting closer to 30. *shudders*

Well, despite the fact that I’m not super excited about my birthday or the fact that I’m getting older, I am pretty content with where I’m at in life: I have my college degree, I’ve done a good amount of traveling, I’m engaged to the man of my dreams, and I’m getting ready to go back to school and get my career rolling. I have amazing family and friends. I’m healthy. I have a good job that pays the rent. I’m happy, and that’s all that really matters.

Even though I’ve been apathetic about my birthday this year, I still planned a small celebration for it: Chris and I are escaping to San Francisco for the weekend. We’re going to stay in a fancy hotel, eat delicious food, see the sights, and drink a lot. Essentially, I’m using my birthday as an excuse to spend money and treat myself, and I can’t wait!

Do you still get excited about your birthday? What are your plans for the long weekend?

11 thoughts on “27.

  1. My birthday is Sunday and I will also be 27. 🙂 I’ve never been one of those birthday-countdown people at all, but this year I care even less than usual. I’m going on a weekend trip to Portland with some girlfriends, though, so at least it’s something. Happy birthday! 🙂

  2. Oh god. I’m only 24 and I already have to stop and think when people ask me how old I am. I’ve always felt like a bit of an old soul. But I think this is a progression rather than a regression- this forgetting of the birthday. Every year I realize more and more how the real celebrations happen when you least expect it.

    • I can definitely see the old soul in you; it’s a good thing! You’re so much more mature and wise than many of the 24-year-olds I know. 🙂

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