Paris, Here I Come!


Paris is everywhere, even on my refrigerator

Tomorrow morning, my roommate, Brigette, and I are leaving for PARIS, and we couldn’t be more excited!

The reason we are going is for a we-just-graduated-from-college-and-now-we’re-going-to-party-like-rockstars-in-Europe-because-we-can trip. While we’re there, we will be staying with my awesome friend Karen. Karen is doing an American exchange program in Paris while simultaneously working on her PhD in French Literature, so she knows a thing or two about speaking fluent French and the Parisian culture, which will be helpful for us Paris newbs.

I should also mention that my roommate and I will be visiting London for a couple days as well. While we’re there, we will be gallivanting around with her friend who lives in London and is excited to be our own personal tour guide. Also while in London, I plan on crossing #44 off my Life List.

In order to prepare for my trip, I’ve been doing some research on Paris and its history, people, culture, etc. Some of my research has included reading some books my friends have lent me, talking to people who have been there, and watching Moulin Rouge* for the first time. But even before I started doing any research, I already knew that one of the places I want to visit the most while I’m there is a famous bookstore called Shakespeare and Company. This bookstore was opened by American Sylvia Beach and was known as an “American sanctuary” during the 20th century; Ernest Hemingway and F. Scott Fitzgerald hung out there a lot; Hemingway even wrote about it in his memoir A Moveable Feast– 0kay, I’ll stop geeking out over the American Lit. Point is, even though the Shakespeare and Co. that is currently in Paris isn’t the original one, it’s still on my “Top 10 Places to See” list. Some other activities we’ll be taking part in include checking out the museums, thrift-store shopping, and drinking French wine. LOTS of French wine.

The painting of Shakespeare and Co. at my work

Know what else I’m excited for? I can’t wait to meander around Paris while wearing fancy clothes because I never have opportunities to dress up and look “le chic” here in Sacramento. I predict I’ll feel a little bit like Carrie Bradshaw in season 6 of Sex and the City, only minus that whole, having an old, Russian boyfriend part. But yeah, I’m stoked! Just the thought of traveling to Europe with my partner-in-crime for 10 days puts a huge smile on my face. I think the most exciting part about this trip is that it will be my first time traveling internationally EVER. And you know what? Paris definitely seems like a great place to start. Au revoir!

*Okay, so that’s not technically research, but hey, the movie taught me a little bit about Bohemians in Paris. So there.

14 thoughts on “Paris, Here I Come!

  1. Love it, love, LOVE IT! Take lots of pictures, drink an obscene amount of wine, make out with a French dude and have a blast! Can’t wait to hear all about it when you get back! 🙂

  2. I’m so excited for you! I hope you get to see the Louvre, climb the Eiffel Tower, and see the real Moulin Rouge while you’re there! Btw, french wine is nothing short of delicious. Have a wonderful time!!!

  3. OMG OMG I am sooooooooo jealous!!! Paris is my all time favorite place and yet I have never been there either. I know odd right? But I just love the history, beauty, cuisine everything and someday I too will got there. I hope you have a wonderful time Gina, take lots and lots of pics 🙂
    Can’t wait to see the blog when you return.

  4. Aaah, Paris! (I said that with a silent s. The French way, y’know?) Eat lots and lots of food. That’s the thing I always remember about Paris. Eating and eating and eating some more. Mmmmm.

  5. Pingback: Adventures in Paris and London: The Sights (Part 1) « After the Race

  6. Pingback: I Want to Punch Cancer in the FACE. Take Two. « After the Race

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